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(4)  The amount of after-tax cash available to pay dividends (including the dividend refund 

received as a result of the payment of the dividend) is sufficient to obtain a full refund of 

the RDTOH account in any of the provinces, with the exception of Nova Scotia, Prince 

Edward Island and Newfoundland.


 For example, if a corporation in Newfoundland and Labrador earns interest income and  

pays out all of its after-tax income (including its dividend refund) as a dividend, an amount 

equal to 1% of its income will remain in its RDTOH account, calculated as follows:


Amount available for distribution


 Corporate income 

$ 1,000


 Corporate tax 



 After-tax amount 



 Dividend refund 



 Available for distribution 

$    770


RDTOH account 


 Refundable tax (26




% × $1,000) 

$ 267


 Dividend refund (33




% of $770 dividend) 



 RDTOH balance 

$    10

Integration—Cost and Benefit of Incorporation  

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affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.