38  KPMG’s 10


 Annual Mining Executive Forum

Mining Risk and Assurance: a survival strategy

This document identifies eight key drivers of value and the associated 
risks. To safeguard this value, organizations need an integrated risk 
and assurance strategy that gives comfort to shareholders and other 

Country Mining Guide – United States of America

Growing global demand for precious and base metals have driven mining 
companies to explore investments in many resource-rich countries including 
the United States. The guides provides a general overview of the type 
of government, economy and fiscal policy, regulatory and sustainability 
environment, taxation, infrastructure, labour relations and employment 
situation, inbound and outbound investment, key commodities and a list 
of major mining companies.

Growth Series



Country mining guide


KPMG INterNatIoNal

Mining M&A Quarterly Newsletter – Second Quarter 2014 

This newsletter provides a current snapshot of the M&A market providing a 
review of select key transactions while focusing on the rationale behind those 
deals as trends take shape. This newsletter highlights Canadian transactions, 
but set in the context of global M&A deals and trends.

Key Questions for Challenging Times

Executives in attendance at KPMG’s 9th Annual Mining Executive Forum 
were asked to rank major risks facing the industry. The subsequent 
discussion is framed in terms of the tough questions management faces 
and should be prepared to answer.


Key Questions for 
Challenging Times


Mining Financial Reporting Survey 2014

This document publishes the results of a survey of financial reporting by 
25 major mining companies from across the globe, where it focuses on 
the impact to mining companies due to changes to the regulatory and 
operating environment since the last edition in 2012. The mining industry 
is constantly changing and companies’s disclosure need to adapt to meet 
evolving stakeholder expectations and financial reporting requirements.

Mining Thought 


© 2014 KPMG LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms  
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.